August 7, 2011

It's a thin line between love and friendship.

DISCLAIMER: All the photos were copied from either Tumblr or Google. ☺

I really wanted to watch this movie ever since I heard about it, so I was so happy when my cousin had a copy of it and I instantly planned to watch it tonight. The story is kind a complicated yet it's lovely. Well, I think lovely is an understatement. The movie is indeed more than that! I love it! To bits! ☺

(L-R) Ethan, Rachel, Darcy, Dex. They are all different, just like how it is in reality. Maybe that's why I loved the movie, it's realistic. ☺

Best girl friends, Darcy & Rachel. ☺

As much as I don't wanna spoil anything, I really can't help but to mention that I cried when Ethan confessed to Rachel. He's a great guy! I instantly wanted them to end up together! Really. Or at least I wished(while crying) I have my own Ethan. Or am I just too blinded to see? Haha! :p

I think I don't need to say who ended up with who.. better figure out yourself! It's worth the time, energy, effort and whatever you think might be wasted.☺

It's a thin line between love and friendship.
I can't wait to read the book! I'm gonna read it after I finished the book I'm reading right now. ☺

I learned something from this film, it's that we have to take a stand, we have to decide for ourselves not because someone wants us to. I know for a fact that it's normal that our decisions in life are deeply affected by what will other people say or think but really it's important to make a decision thinking only about ourselves. Deciding out of what we like, out of what will make us happy, out of what we think is good for us. It's nice to think of other people once in a while but we don't need to live our life for them. It isn't called OUR life for nothing. ☺

Some would think just how cliche this sentence is but a lot of times in our lives, we just settle for what's easy and forgetting that we deserve better, that...


'Til next time! ☺


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