August 24, 2011


This has been a delayed post. I should've posted this the day we ate at this small local cafe here in our place and it's called Fuzione, hence with the title. My cousin and I ate on the said establishment after buying some stuff at Robinson's Supermarket. ☺

 "Life is short. Eat dessert first."

I've always liked the quote above, because (a.) I love dessert that I want to eat it first. (b.) I don't wanna just go with the flow and follow what everyone has been doing. (c.) Admit it, it's true that life is really short and might as well take that heavenly slice of cake into your grumbling tummy before what not could happen. So that's what I did!

Choco Caramel Cake
Diabetes alert! It's too sweet I think I had a sugar rush. Oh but don't jump into conclusion, I didn't even for a second regret eating it though I know as a baker(I've always wanted to call myself that!), this could have been better. I prefer a softer crumbs and moister cake. ☺

Chicken Buffalo Wings
My pig out buddy/cousin/confidante ate this and I didn't know how it tastes like and I forgot to ask her but she finished everything so maybe that's her cue. And it looks yummy right? ☺

Chicken Teriyaki
This is a good and safe order so I was kinda disappointed with how it tasted like! I actually didn't like their Teriyaki sauce, it's too sweet and under-seasoned with salt and pepper. I think they need to adjust the sauce if they want their customers to keep coming back. ☺

'Til next time! ☺

Lotsa love,