October 10, 2015


"There are some things we have to deal with alone. Some things no matter who is involveld; it is really our own problem to go through. Everyone has to live this way no matter what. Ultimately, as people we have to fill our emptiness on our own." 
R.M. Drake

"I wanted everything because I didn’t want anything enough."
Lang Leav
"Sometimes I feel like I’m sleepwalking through life— my hopes and dreams slowly fading away with every step."
 Michael Faudet

Last year, around September, I stopped updating this blog and I can't remember my reason. I loved this outlet of mine and I wonder if I can pick up where I left off. Or maybe I should just leave it as it is. I'll think about it.
A year has passed yet there's no big changes in my life. I'm still in school, still in love with food, still watching those tv shows, still obsessed with music, still in awe of literature, still here, still single, and still trying to catch up with life. Everyone's life seems to be changing, except mine. I might have to do something about that. Soon. 

xx AA

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