I have always loved reading. May it be book, magazine or newspaper. I actually started reading when I entered high school. When I'm reading, the time goes by smoothly fast and it actually broadens my vocabulary. I have also read somewhere that reading can prevent a person to have an alzheimer's disease. It actually has tons of benefits. :)

My small Preview mag collection.

My older sister's OK! mag collection but she had already stopped collecting. Saaad!

The first ever book I've read. And the only book my father bought me. Haha! When reading this at first, I was like "Oh Em Gee! Is that true?" Then when I saw the FICTION word written on the side of the book, I was not affected at all anymore. :)

Books we own but I don't want to read as of today. Oopsie, sorry! Maybe I'm gonna change my mind one of these days though. We'll never know! :p My Ate actually have tons of Joel Osteen but I only got to see this one so maybe some are borrowed. :)

Rules girls should know! I learned a lot from this books! Sherry Argov knows it all! :))

My Twilight (the first book) is with my Ate's friend. We let our friends & cousins borrow our books. (I just hope every book is in good hands and every book is given back after reading. *sigh*) BTW, I think I have to say this: I'm TEAM EDWARD from the very beginning! :)

I LOVE NICHOLAS SPARKS!! He is a genius for love stories! I love A Walk To Remember! I love The Notebook (borrowed), The Wedding (borrowed), and Nights in Rodanthe!!! I cried reading all of his books and I'm not joking about that. I'm a hopeless romantic!! Now, you know. We don't have a copy of Dear John and The Last Song but hopefully I get to buy soon. :)
**I also love Paulo Coelho!! He is also a genius writer! I'm in love with his By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept but unfortunately it's missing. Boo hoo! I'm hoping it's only borrowed.
**If you have read my previous blog post, we have a copy of Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert but I haven't finished that one yet. But I'm gonna finish it this 2011! Promise! :)
**We (my Ate and I) also have Mitch Albom's books: Tuesdays With Morrie, 5 People You Will Meet In Heaven & For One More Day. All of it are borrowed!!

Ta-nan!!! My favorite writer, Cecelia Ahern! ♥ My favorite book made by her is Love, Rosie (borrowed) then P.S. I Love You. She is a brilliant writer! Every book has an unexpected story. There are happy endings and there are also tragic ones. Gotta love her! I swear!

Gossip Girl book series :) I am addicted with GG's tv series so I forced Ate to buy me these wonderful books. ♥
There are books I have read because I borrowed from friends just like the Cosmopolitan mini books. I have read a couple of those and some classics from Danielle Steel. I am actually lost of count of the books I've read. And that's good! That only means, I have read A LOT! Some books doesn't have an impact on me, and I tend to forget those but the books that touched me are in my heart forever. Last 2010, I have not read a lot of books but I'm gonna break that curse and read tons this awesome year. :)
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